Thymus Peptide Bioregulator A-6

Aging is characterized by the accumulation of damage and other deleterious changes, leading to the loss of functionality and fitness. Age-related changes occur for all major biological processes, but protein synthesis is one of the most affected. The functionality of protein systems in any organism requires the maintenance of a precise balance of synthesis, degradation and function of each and every protein, while aging shifts this balance, resulting in diseases. Every step in the protein life cycle is relevant to the aging process and, indeed, has been shown to change with age and affect life expectancy.


Short signaling peptides are capable of inducing protein synthesis though complementary interaction with DNA-specific binding sites on the promoter segments of genes, causing disjoining of double helix strands and RNA polymerase activation. This discovery highlights the natural ability of organisms to maintain physiologic functions, which is based on the complementary interaction of the DNA and regulatory peptides. This process is fundamental for the development and functioning of all living things, while aging is an evolutionary determined biologic process of age-related changes in gene structure and expression.


The long-term application of short signaling peptides (the so called peptide bioregulators) in animals starting from the second half of their life leads to a reliable increase in their mean lifespan by 20-40%. Application of peptide bioregulators in humans for preventive purposes led to a significant rehabilitation of the main physiological functions and a reliable mortality decrease in different age groups over a period of 6-12 years. Learn more

